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real ghosts caught on camera that will send chills down your spine! NO
The Cooper Family Hanging Ghost

As scary as it looks, this picture has been shrouded in mystery for
years now and it is probably the most peculiar ghosts caught on camera.
The story goes back to the mid 1950’s taking place in Texas. The Cooper
family had just moved into an old house that they bought and were
really excited about it. So, they thought of preserving this memory by
taking a picture of the whole family in their new home. But little did
they know that there was someone else joining in on their celebration – a
spooky figure hanging upside down from the ceiling. There are perhaps
other stories that state that an actual body did fall off from the ceiling exactly at the time the photograph was being taken. Why the face of the body remains darkened is another mystery – a faceless body or a paranormal activity? Who knows which part is true!
2. The Hospital Demon

This photo was captured by a nurse on a surveillance camera at an
unknown hospital. The images shows a dark, crouched figure (resembling a
demon) standing on top of a patient’s body who was lying in bed. The nurse also noticed the black figure walking up and down the body of the patient. Within a few hours of the dark figure’s appearance, the patient had died . As creepy as it may sound, demon-like figures have been reportedly seen at a hospitals. Some say hospitals
are the breeding ground for demons, its where they lurk about, waiting
for the next soul to die so they can drag them to hell. However, no
authentic sources can be sighted in support of such claims.
3. The Amityville Ghost

In the early morning hours of November 13 1974, Ronald DeFeao Jr. ,
fatally shot his father, two brothers and sister. The bodies were found
face down on the respective beds with no signs of bullet wounds on the
corpses or any struggle. And even though the neighbors lived close-by,
none of them heard sounds, screams or noises. Mr. DeFeao claimed that
ghosts were present during the events and had guided him into
eliminating his siblings though his original intent was just to execute
his father. The home at 112 Ocean Avenue eventually went up for sale and
was later purchased by George and Kathy Lutz. Though they were told by
the realtor about the tragedy, the Lutz’s were so enamored with the
home, pool, garage and 4,000
square feet of waterfront that they immediately made an offer. The next
28 days followed a set of horrific paranormal activities that would
shock the Lutz family. From the possessed suicidal dog to the image half headed demon on the wall, green slime running off of keyholes and spirits staring blankly through the bedroom windows,
the Lutz family constantly encountered a ghostly presence in the doomed
house. Finally, when they could take it no more, they were forced to
evacuate the house in a hurry. They called in investigators to study the
place, all of whom claimed to have felt a strange presence in the
house. One of the investigators happened to click a photo of the boy
ghost peeking out of a room. Whether or not facts of this case were
stretched or a complete hoax all together, it still remains one of the
most frightening and sensationalized ghost stories of our time.
4. The Pickens County Courthouse Ghost

Popularly known as the Face in the Window, the mysterious face staring out of the Pickens County Courthouse
in Carrollton, Alabama is one of Alabama’s best known ghost. It can be
sighted anytime – day or night constantly staring out of a window. The
story revolves around a former slave named Henry Wells, freed at the end
of Civil War. Legend holds that he was accused of burning the Courthouse to ashes. Arrested but pursued by a lynch mob, Wells is said to have fled to hide in the attic of the third courthouse,
which was under construction. As the angry mob searched frantically for
him, Wells peered out of a window to watch. To his shock, however,
lightning struck him at that very moment and forever etched his face on
the window. It is widely believed to this day that the ghostly face of
Henry Wells continues to peer down from the courthouse window.
5. The Ghost of Oak Grove, Kentucky.

Also known as the Ghost Bridge, it is surrounded by several
different versions of the story. But only one of them can be verified.
The ghost roaming the bridge is of an unfortunate wife who was thrown
off the bridge into the water and killed by her soldier husband in the
1960’s. One story also mentions that on a certain night you can see her
decomposing body walking the area under the bridge or on top of the
bridge. It is said that if you happen to turn your car off on the bridge
it will not start again unless you push it off the bridge or till the
sun comes up! Fact or fiction?…you decide.
6. The Ghost at The Waverly Hills Sanitarium, Kentucky.

Coughing up blood, over crowded, understaffed, bizarre unethical
twisted treatments, “Welcome to Waverly Hills Sanatorium” – a medical
facility that was once dedicated to treat patients suffering from
Tuberculosis, long before the modern cure was discovered. Without the
antibiotics, the hospital provided the only known cure at that time –
fresh air and sunshine, and thus the patients spent the majority of
their time in the solarium-like porch ways. There were many other
unethical ways that were used to treat patients which were downright
dangerous and only 5% patients survived the treatment. It is believed
that as many as 8000 patient dead bodies were carelessly thrown down a
chute and then taken out of the building through an underground tunnel.
This method of disposing the bodies was kept confidential by doctor’s
orders who wanted patients to be unaware of the quantity of dead bodies.
But with the discovery of the antibiotic, that could successfully treat and cure tuberculosis, the sanatorium was closed down. Many believe that the spirits of the patients still roam about the hospital in search of answers. The most famous being of a nurse named Mary Lee who
happen to contract the disease. But the story takes a horrific twist
when she was found hanging from a light apparatus in Room 502. Some
believe she took her life after she found out that she was was pregnant
with the child from one of the doctors and unmarried. Tragically her body
lay undiscovered for a long time. The picture above is of the ghostly
figure captured on camera, who is believed to be of Mary Lee….forever
roaming the corridors of the hospital groaning in pain.
7. The SS Watertown Ghosts

The SS Watertown ghosts are classic examples of real ghosts caught
on film. The story behind the photograph dates back to December 1924.
The SS Watertown was making its way to the Panama Canal from New York
City. Crewmen Seaman James Courtney and Michael Meehan were assigned to
clean out a cargo tank of the oil tanker as the ship sailed through the
Pacific Ocean. But as tragedy has it, the seamen were overcome by gas
fumes during the task and died before help could reach them. Following
the tradition of the sea, their bodies were committed to the ocean on
December 4th. The following day, just before dusk, the first mate
reported seeing the faces of the two men in the waves off the port side
of the ship. They were seen for 10 seconds but then faded. For several
days after that, the crew reported consistently seeing the phantom-like
faces of the doomed sailors in the water who seemed to be following the
ship every now and then. The entire ship was in uproar. Once the ship
arrived at New Orleans, the ship’s captain, Keith Tracy, reported the
strange events to his employers, the Cities
Service Company, who suggested he try to photograph the eerie faces. In
the continuing voyage, Captain Tracy took 6 snapshots, once the ghosts
were spotted again, out of which 5 showed nothing but foam upon
development but the 6th photo clearly showed the doomed sailors’
floating heads in the sea. From then on, there have been frequent
sightings of the SS Watertown ghosts by many ships and sailors in the
following years, doomed to roam the sea for their untimely and tragic
8. The Brown Lady of Raynham Hall.
The Raynham Hall Ghost popularly known as The Brown Lady, is perhaps
the most famous ghosts ever captured on camera. This photograph of her
on the staircase was taken in 1936 at Raynman Hall, Norfolk, England.
and is in fact the most authentic paranormal photographs of all time.
The Brown lady, named so because she appears in a brown brocade dress,
is widely believed to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Walpole who married
Charles, 2nd Viscount Townshend in 1713 (residents of Raynman Hall). It
was rumored that Dorothy had been a mistress of Lord Wharton, before she
married Charles. Dorothy was thus suspected of infidelity by Charles.
Although legal records say that she was buried in 1726, it was suspected
that the funeral was just a hoax and that Charles had locked his wife
away in a remote corner of the house until her death many years later.
Whatever be the reason of her death, it was all too mysterious and if
that wasn’t enough, people started reporting sighting of her ghost
shortly after her death, which were fairly unauthentic and couldn’t be
proved. But one account of sighting by a man named Major Loftus, who was
staying at Raynham Hall in 1849, has been regarded as a authentic
source. Retiring to bed one night, Major Loftus and his friend observed a
woman in brown brocade on the staircase. She immediately vanished as
Major Loftus tried to approach her. Determined to confront the
apparition, he returned to the same spot the following night and saw her
again. He was horrified to see however, that when he looked into her
face he saw only two black sockets where her eyes should have been.
Creepy and unsettling to say the least!
9. The White Lady of Haigh Hall

The White lady is rumored to be the ghost of Lady Mabel Bradshaigh, a
lady of the manor at Haigh in the early fourteenth century.She was
married to the knight, William Bradshaigh. In 1315, William fled the
country after his involvement in a rebellion against the Earl of
Lancaster. Hearing nothing from her husband for many years, Lady Mabel
eventually remarried. However, William returned back in 1322. He killed
his wife’s new husband and resumed living at the Haigh manor house until
1333, when he fought another rival and this time was killed himself. In
penance for her bigamy, Lady Mabel, made a daily barefoot walk to a
stone monument just outside Wigan’s north wall, a total distance of
about six miles! No one really knows how Lady Mabel’s ghost looks so
creepy. She was not an evil person in life, though she was said to be
unhappy in her final days. They say: “You must never look at her face,
It’s vacant features has left many insane and forced to loose their
10. The Cemetery Ghost Child
This picture was taken by a woman named Mrs. Andrews while on a
visit to her daughter’s grave at a cemetery in Queensland, Australia in
the 1940s. The daughter, Joyce before the age of 17. Mrs. Andrews saw
nothing unusual while taking this photograph of her daughter’s
tombstone. But when she got it developed, she was shocked to see the
apparition of what looked like the ghost of a young girl sitting on the
grave. Mrs. Andrews was unable to recognize the child nor believed it to
be the ghost of her daughter in her youth. Upon further investigation,
paranormal researchers found the gravesite of Mrs. Andrews daughter to
be near the graves of two infant girls. The ghost in the picture seems
to be aware of Mrs. Andrews presence as she is seen looking directly at
the camera. Poor soul…so young.
11. The Ghost of Freddy Jackson

As a squadron of the Royal Air Force assembled together to take a
group photo in 1919, no one realized that they would find Freddy Jackson
accompanying them in the picture taken by retired RAF Officer Sir
Victor Goddard. Freddy Jackson was a mechanic for the Royal Air Force
who served on-board the H.M.S. Daedalus. He was brutally killed two days
earlier by accidentally strolling into a spinning propeller blade;
which caused instant death. His funeral was held the very next day. But
eerie as it may sound, Freddy Jackson returned just two days later as a
ghost for one final time to be a part of the group photo. Several of the
other men in the photo confirmed that it was in fact Jackson’s face in
the background of the picture.
12. The Union Cemetery Ghost

Union Cemetery located in Easton, Connecticut is considered to be
the most haunted cemetery in the United States. Although several ghosts
have been seen at this cemetery, the White Lady happens to be the most
famous sighting. Many people have managed to capture her on camera and
she has even been caught on film. She is believed to have long dark hair
and is seen wearing a nightgown and a bonnet. Her most favorite places
where she frequently makes an appearance are usually on the roadway
alongside route 59 and route 111, where she is often hit by
oncoming vehicles! One instance reports her of being hit by a fireman in
1993 which left a dent on his vehicle and he even heard a thud while
hitting her. As the woman appeared in front of his car, he also saw a
farmer with a straw hat sitting in the car seat beside him. The cemetery
is out of bounds at night and is strictly patrolled by the police. The
image above happens to be her face with a stream of spooky energy
13. Chloe’s Ghost At The Myrtle Plantation

The house on Myrtle plantation in St Francisville, Louisiana is home
to at least 12 ghosts, the most famous being the ghost of Chloe who
haunts the plantation and is seen wearing a green turban. Chloe was
reportedly a slave owned by Mark and Sara Woodruff. She was once found
eavesdropping on Clark Woodruff’s personal conversation. As a
punishment, one of her ears was cut off by her master and she wore a
green turban to hide it. It is believed that Chloe supposedly baked a
birthday cake containing extract of extremely poisonous boiled and
reduced oleander leaves, as part of her revenge. But her plan backfired.
Only Sara and her two daughters ate the cake, and all died from the
poison. Chloe was then supposedly hanged by the other slaves, and thrown
into the Mississippi River. She still haunts the plantation to this
day. In fact, the Myrtle plantation is considered as as one of America’s
most haunted homes.
14. The Whaley House Ghost, San Diego.

Since the mysterious deaths of the members of the Whaley family, this
house has seen all kinds of mysteries. Visitors have reported seeing
the ghost of a woman in the garden, while many people also claim to have
seen Thomas Whaley’s spirit in the parlour. A young girl who matches
the description of Marion Reynolds, the great grand-daughter of Thomas
Whaley, who died from ingesting ant poison, is reported to grab the arms
of visitors as they tour the house, while a spectral dog is
occasionally seen by children. The photo above is believed to be the
ghost of Thomas Whaley captured staring through the window of the Whaley
15. The Hidden Cowboy
In 1996, Ike Clanton decided to get his photo taken in a cowboy
attire in the Boothill Graveyard in the famous Tombstone, Arizona. After
reviewing his photograph, he found a strange figure at the back of the
photo, dressed as a cowboy, that was not there at the time the photo was
taken. He even tried to re-stage the entire photo by making someone
stand at the same spot where the “mystery man” appeared in the
background. Ike Clanton found out that it was physically impossible to
take such a photograph and not show the rear person’s legs. Clanton said
he wasn’t so sure about Tombstone being haunted, but this photo made
him a believer.
16. Ghost of Bachelor’s Grove Cemetery, Chicago.

text via
This photo was taken during an investigation of Bachelor’s Grove
Cemetery near Chicago by the Ghost Research Society(GRS). On August 10,
1991 several memeber of the GRS were at the cemetery, a small abandoned
garveyard on the edge of the Rubio Woods Forest Preserve, near the
suburb of Midlothian, Illinois. Reputed to be one of the most haunted
cemeteries in the U.S., Bachelor’s Grove has been the site of well over
100 different reports of strange phenomena, including apparitions,
unexplained sights and sounds, and even glowing balls of light. When
developed, this image emerged: what looks like a lonely looking young
woman dressed in white sitting on a tombstone. Parts of her body her
partially tranparent and the style of the dress seems to be out of date.
17. The Solitary Soldier
This very old photo was taken in a house undergoing renovation. It
is known that Confederate soldiers would sleep down in the cellar. The
photo was taken during the American Civil War. It shows a ghost,
believed to be that of a dead soldier, all lonely and solemn, walking up
the stairs of the cellar.
18. The Tulip Staircase Ghost
The story behind this picture was that on Sunday 19th June 1966, an
old retire couple from Canada – decided to visit the Queen’s house due
to the much speculation and hype of being haunted. While he was standing
near the Tulip staircase, the old man took a picture of it and when it
was later developed, there was a ghostly figure ascending the staircase
in pursuit of a second and a third other ghostly figure on top of
staircase (which is not quite clear in the photo) The camera roll was
examined by researchers and they found no evidence of any kind of
tampering done with the roll. At the time the photograph was taken
(between 5.15pm and 5.30pm) the old man’s wife claimed that was standing
with him and confirmed there was nothing on the stairs. The staircase
itself was closed with a rope and ‘No Admittance’ sign. Strange shadowy
apparitions and unexplainable noises of footsteps have been constantly
reported near the Tulip Staircase by both staff and visitors. There have
also been sightings of a pale woman who is seen wiping blood from the
bottom of the staircase. She is believed to be the ghost of a maid who
came over the highest banister and died at the foot of the stairs 300
years back. One can also sometimes hear creepy disembodied chanting of
children which seem to be coming from within the Queens House.
19. The Wedding Ghost
At a local barn in Hertfordshire, England, wedding photographer Neil
Sandbach was all set for the wedding and started taking pictures of the
area. Not long after the wedding, upon developing the photos, Neil
discovered something shocking…something that sent chills down his spine.
The photograph showed a glowing and clearly floating boy in white
clothes staring right at him. He inquired with the staff about any
strange or bizarre incidents that might have occurred at the farm. The
staff admitted to several encounters with what seemed to be the ghost of
a boy in night clothes roaming abut the farm and sometimes blankly
staring from behind walls. Who the ghost actually was and his story both
are shrouded in mystery till date.
20. The Healer White Lady of Worstead Church, Norfolk, UK.
In 1975, Diane and Peter Berthelot along with their 12-year-old son
visited the Worstead Church. Peter snapped a picture of his wife praying
in silence on one of the church benches. After development, off course,
a friend of Mrs. Berthelot was shocked to see a white shadowy figure
sitting right behind her and pointed it out. The figure in the photo
appears to be wearing light-colored, old-fashioned clothes and a bonnet.
The following summer, The Berthelots would return back to the Worstead
Church with the photo and inquire about it with Reverend Pettit, who
happened to be the church vicar. He told them about the legend of the
White Lady who is known to be a healer making an appearance near someone
who needed healing. Diane suddenly realized that the time the
photograph was taken, she was quite ill and taking strong
antibiotics. The ghost of the White Lady dates back well over 100 years.
According to one story, on Christmas Eve of 1830 a man boasted a
challenge to the White Lady. He said he would climb to the top of the
church’s belfry and kiss her if she would appear. So up he went. When he
failed to reappear after a time, however, friends went to search for
him. They found him in the belfry, cowering in a corner, terrified.
“I’ve seen her,” he told them, “I’ve seen her….” And then he died.
21. The Ghost of The Old Lady and Her Bulldog

Seen in the picture, are a happy mother and her son outside their
new home in Chicago. They had just moved in and wanted to take a
cheerful happy photo. Little did they know that there was someone else
who was closely watching them – an old resident or probably someone who
still lived in the house! The husband claimed that there was no one at
the time the picture was taken or was there someone hiding behind in the
house? Upon development, the face of an old lady and a bulldog can be
seen in the door’s reflection.
22. The Backseat Driver

In 1959, Mable Chinnery went to the cemetery to visit the grave of
her mother along with her husband. She took some photos of the gravesite
and then turned and took this picture of her husband sitting alone in
the car’s passenger seat. The film was developed and this came out:
Somebody sitting in the backseat wearing glasses, clear as day. Mrs.
Chinnery swore that the “backseat driver” was none other than her own
mother whose grave site she was standing next to when she took the
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